Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 9-15.
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SHEN Da-zhong, HUANG Ming-shan, LIN Song, NIE Li-hua, YAO Shou-zhuo
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Education. Commission Foundation of China.
Abstract: An oscillation condition was proposed and experimentally verified for an elec-troderaeparated piezoelectric sensor (ESPS) in non-electrolyte liquid, it was ex-pressed as Cs≥2RqωCo2/[Y+(1+Y2)1/2-2RqωCo, where Cs is the solution capaci-tance, Rq, Co and ω are the motional resistance, static capacitance and resonant an-gle frequency of the crystal, respectively.And Y=tgθ, where θ is the phase shift inthe oscillator.The relationships between the minimum cell constant needed for ES-PS to oscillate and each of the following parameters, permittivity, density and vis-cosity of the liquid as well as the oscillator phase shift were discussed.The″ cease-to-oscillate″ frequency of ESPS was measured.The oscillation ability of ESPSin-creases with increasing permittivity or decreasing density and viscosity of the liq-uid.An oscillator with a larger Yvalue is helpful to drive ESPS.
Key words: Piezoelectric sensor, Quartz crystal, Cell constant
SHEN Da-zhong, HUANG Ming-shan, LIN Song, NIE Li-hua, YAO Shou-zhuo. An Oscillation Condition for an Electrode-separatedPiezoelectric Sensor in Non-electrolyte Liquid[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 1995, 11(1): 9-15.
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