Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 50-57.

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EHMO Studies of Chemisorbed Dioxygen Specieson Na2O and K2O and of Their Interactionwith CH4 and CH3-Radical

SU Qiao-Juan, ZHANG Hong-bin, ZHOU Tai-jin, LIU Yu-da, LIN Guo-dong, TSAI Khi-rui   

  1. Dept. of Chemistry &. State Key Laboratory for Phys. Chemistry ofthe Solid Surface, Xiarnen Univ., Xianien, 361005
  • Received:1994-01-14 Online:1995-01-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Abstract: With an improved EHMOmethod, three modes (flat-lying, vertical, and in-clined insertion) for adsorption and activation of dioxygen on (100), (110) and(111) surfaces of Na2Oand of K,Ohave been exaniinecl, and the interaction ofthese dioxygen adspecies with CH4 and with CH3·(radical) from gas pliase liasbeen investigated.The results indicate that both oxides tend to forni less cliargedadspecies of dioxygen, with the flat-lying adsorption on (110) surface most favor-able energetically.All these cliemisorbed dioxygen species are capable of interactingeffectively with CH4 and Abstract ing one hydrogen atom from the CH4 molecule andtheir tendencies to reassociate with CH3 ·, which would easily lead to deep oxida-tion of the fragments of hydrocarbons, are enhanced with inereasing negativecliarges on them.In comparison with Na2O, K2Ohas a little stronger tendency tostabilize less charged dioxygen adspecies; this has a close relation with the knownexperimental fact that K+ showed better promoting effect than Na+ in improving C2-selectivity in methane oxidative coupling (MOC ).

Key words: Chemisorbed dioxygen species, Methane oxidative coupling, EHMO approach