Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 32-40.

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Structure and Catalytic Activity of Nickel-substituted Mica- montmorillonite Clay Crosslinked with NH2(C3H3)Si(OC2H5)2

Jiang Dazhen1, Cai Hui1, Liu Ziyang1, Zhou Qun1, Min Enze2, He Mingyuan2   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun;
    2. Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing
  • Received:1988-11-20 Online:1990-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: Nickel-substituted mica-montmorillonite clays(Ni-SMM) were synthesized, the pillared clays, Si-Ni-SMM, were prepared from the Ni-SMMintercalated with NH2(C3H5)Si(OC2H5)3. The pillar perhaps consists of tripolymer of silica according to the judgement from the pillar height (8. 5A ) data. The results of IR, ESRand XRDindicate that the hydroxy group in the octahedral layer is attacked by crosslinking agent. Thus the silicon oxide pillars become directly linked via oxygen to the nickel atoms in the octahedral layer. The change of the ratio of Lewis to Bronsted acidity on Si-Ni-SMMreduced at 400℃ by H2 shows that the hydrogenating component such as Ni in the framework of SMMplays an important role in catalyst deactivation in H, atmosphere. This kind of action may be due to spilled- over hydrogen.

Key words: Nickel-substituted mica-montmorillonite, Silicon pillar, Acidity cracking