Eleciroreduction of Oxygen on Pyrolytk Graphite Electrode wish Adsorbed Layer of Cobalt Tetra.sulfonaied Phthalocyaninc In Acetonitrile and Dimethylformamide
Huang Chubao1, Tryk D.2, Yeager E.2
1. Defartment of Chemistry, Jilin University;
2. Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences and the Departinent of Chemistry, Case Western Heserve Univerrsity, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 U, S. A.
Huang Chubao, Tryk D., Yeager E.. Eleciroreduction of Oxygen on Pyrolytk Graphite Electrode wish Adsorbed Layer of Cobalt Tetra.sulfonaied Phthalocyaninc In Acetonitrile and Dimethylformamide[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 1989, 5(2): 164-170.