Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 164-170.

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Eleciroreduction of Oxygen on Pyrolytk Graphite Electrode wish Adsorbed Layer of Cobalt Tetra.sulfonaied Phthalocyaninc In Acetonitrile and Dimethylformamide

Huang Chubao1, Tryk D.2, Yeager E.2   

  1. 1. Defartment of Chemistry, Jilin University;
    2. Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences and the Departinent of Chemistry, Case Western Heserve Univerrsity, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 U, S. A.
  • Received:1988-02-03 Online:1989-04-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The catjpdoc polarization characteristics indicate that the presence of a pre-adsorbed surface layer of CoTSPc innibits the reduction of O2 to O2- on an ordinary pyroiytic graphite electrode (OPG) in AN and DMF solution of 0.1 mol/L, TEAP, The transfer coefficient a and the heterogeneous rate constant k for this reaction or, OPG with and without pre-adsorbed CoTSPc obtained by rotating disk electrode method were found to be fairly close to thar obtained by cyclic voltammetry.The a remains almost the same, bat the k de creases by a factor of 2-5 with CoTSPc as compared with OPG alone.The possible reason is that the adsorbed CoTSPc as an anion renders the effective potential diffaence less negative, which thus lowers the rase of O2 reduction.

Key words: Cathodic polarization, Pyrolytic graphite electrode, Heterogeneous rate