Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 70-79.

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On the Curing Theory and Scaling Study -The Polycondenzation of Aa-Bb Type

Tang Auchin, Li Zesheng, Sun Chiachung, Tang Xinyi   

  1. Institute of Theoretical Chemistry and Chemistry Department, JilinUniversity, Changchun
  • Received:1987-11-18 Online:1988-08-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: In this paper, a systematic way is proposed to treat the poly condenzation reaction with two species of monomers A and B having a-and b-functionalities, respectively. The polycondenzation reaction is considered as a whole to approach gel point which can be equivalently represented by three different kinds of forms. Furthermore, by means of a reasonable way without Stirling's approximation, the asymptopic form of the equilibrium number distribution characterized by A-B type near the gel point is obtained to reach a generalized scaling law.

Key words: Polycondenzation, Stirling's, approximation, scaling law.