Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 62-69.

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Phase Diagram of RbI-SmI2 Binary System and Structural Investigation of RbSm2I5 and RbSmI3

Zhao Xinhua,Wang Shihua, Jiang Shengbang   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing
  • Received:1987-12-30 Online:1988-08-24 Published:2011-09-09
  • Supported by:

    This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)

Abstract: The RbI-SmI2, binary system was studied with DTA and X-ray powder diffraction. Its phase diagram shows that it has a congruently melting compound,RbSm2I5, with a melting point 524℃; an incongru-ently melting compound, Rb2SmI4, with an inconsruently point 467℃ and two compounds, RbSmI3, and Rb3SmI5, being decomposed at 433℃ and 460℃, respectively. The measured structure of RbSm2I5 shows that it is isomorphous with NH4 Pb2 Cl5 space group P21/c, a=10 . 063(3)Å, b=9.003(3)Å. c =14 . 242(5)Å,β=90.23(3)°;z = 4, MVx= 1 94 . 3cm3/mol;D=5.255g/cm3 and Do=5. 334g/cm3 (25. 0℃).The structural, investigation of RbSmI3 shows that it belongs to the orthorhombic system with a = 15.914(6)Å, b=8.898(3)Å c =12.193(5)Å; Z=8, MVx =130.0cm3/mol, Dx =4 . 743g/cm3,Do = 4.597g/cm3(25.0℃).

Key words: Binary system, X-ray powder diffraction