Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 24-33.

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Research on the Synthesis and Optical Properties of Isomeric Bichromophoric Compounds --3-or 4- Phenyl 7-Coumarin ω-9-Anthracene-Poly-methene Carboxylate

Kao Chenheng, Zhou Yimin, Wang Pingbao   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin
  • Received:1987-10-20 Online:1988-08-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: Six bichromophoric compounds-substituted coumarin ω-9-anthra-cene-poly-methene carboxylate and five model compounds were synthesized. Among them, eight compounds are new ones. Intramolecular singlet energy transfer has been demonstrated in the bichromophoric compounds 1-6 and studied in some detail. The absorption spectra of the compounds 1-6 bear evidence that the π-electron systems of coumarin and anthracene ring do not overlap appreciably. The coumarin moiety of the bichromophoric compounds molecule was excited at 314nm and the resulting fluorescence was characteristic of the anthracene group. The efficiency of transfer of singlet excitation from coumarin moiety to the anthracene grou is about 100% in both calculation and observation and the rate of the singlet energy transfer is about 1014 sec-1 in the compounds 4-6. A possible mechanism of intramolecular energy transfer was suggested. The difference between 4-phenyl compounds 1-3 and 3-phenyl compounds 4-6 in spectra was com -pared.

Key words: Bichormophoric compounds, carboxylates