Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 9-16.

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The Synthesis and Structure of Silica-Sodalite from Nonaqueous Systems

Feng Shouhua1, Xu Jianing1, Xu Ruren1, Yang Guangdi2, Chen Zhonggou3, Li Genpei3   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun;
    2. Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun;
    3. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Peking University, Peijing
  • Received:1987-03-23 Online:1988-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: A silica polymorph, silica-sodalite was synthesized from a nonaqueous system NaOH-SiO2-C2H4(OH)2 and its chemical compositionwas determined to be Si12O24,2C2H4(OH)2 by the X-fluorescence,thermogravimetric and organic elemental analyses. The single crystal X-ray diffraction structure determination of the silica-sodaliteshowed that the silica-sodalite is cubic, spacing group I23 and unitcell parameter a= 8.8354Å. The IF and solid state high resolution 29Si and 13C NMR spectra of the silica-sodalite were measured and discussed.

Key words: nonaqueous system, silica-sodalite, synthesis structure.