Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 53-59.
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He Binglin(Ho Pinglun), Jin Renhua
Abstract: The paper discribes the resolution of dl-Phe, dl-Phser, dl-Tyr, dl-Tryp, dl-His etc. by ligand exchange chromatography using L-Pro grafted resins coordinated with copper (Ⅱ) as stationary phase. Except dl-His, the other amino acids mentioned above could be completely resolved and D-amino acids were eluated before L-amino acids. Through determination of IR spectra of L-Pro-PGMA-Cu resin, its possible coordinated model of structure of resin and mechanism of resolution are presented.
He Binglin(Ho Pinglun), Jin Renhua. Study of Resolution of dl-Amino Acids with Acrylate Type of LigandE Exchange Ghiral Resins[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 1988, 4(1): 53-59.
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