Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 757-762.doi: 10.1007/s40242-021-0341-1

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Surface Modification of Rice Husk Ash by Ethanol-assisted Milling to Reinforce the Properties of Natural Rubber/Butadiene Rubber Composites

CHEN Zhixiao1, QIAN Miaomiao1, LIU Chang2, XUE Beichen1, YU Liyun1, ZHU Yanchao1, WANG Xiaofeng1   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis & Preparative Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, P. R. China;
    2. Jilin Province Product Quality Supervision Test Institute, Changchun 130103, P. R. China
  • Received:2020-10-26 Revised:2020-12-16 Online:2021-06-01 Published:2020-12-24
  • Contact: WANG Xiaofeng, ZHU Yanchao;
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.21771084).

Abstract: Rice husk ash(RHA), obtained by pyrolysis of rice husks, can be used as a potential reinforcing filler for rubber composites. In this work, ball milling in ethanol(ethanol-assisted milling) was used to hydroxylate the surface of RHA, promoting the graft modification of bis-(γ-triethoxysilylpropyl)-tetrasulfide(Si69). The obtained modified RHA(RHA-EM-Si69) was filled into the natural rubber/butadiene rubber(NR/BR) composites, and the filler-rubber interactions were enhanced. In consequence, RHA-EM-Si69 filled NR/BR composites showed overall improvement in the mechanical properties compared with RHA filled NR/BR composites. The tear strength increased from 13.37 kN/m to 34.71 kN/m, and the tensile strength increased from 1.84 MPa to 7.75 MPa. Carbon black(N774) was also used for comparison under the same conditions. This method provides a potential for promoting the value of RHA in rubber industry.

Key words: Ethanol-assisted milling, Rice husk ash, Rubber reinforcement