Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 1105-1110.doi: 10.1007/s40242-019-8376-2

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Tea Polyphenols Reducing Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammatory Responses in RAW264.7 Macrophages via NF-κB Pathway

SU Siyi, LI Xiaoyu, GUO Xu, ZHOU Ruiming, LI Manman, MING Pengfei, HUANG Yingying, Sajid Ur RAHMAN, DING Hongyan, FENG Shibin, LI Jinchun, WANG Xichun, LI Yu, WU Jinjie   

  1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, P. R. China
  • Received:2018-12-05 Revised:2019-09-19 Online:2019-12-01 Published:2019-11-29
  • Contact: LI Yu, WU Jinjie;
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFD0501009) and the Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates of Anhui Agricultural University, China(No.XJ2015168).

Abstract: The anti-inflammatory activity of tea polyphenols(TPs) in RAW264.7 macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide(LPS) was investigated in this paper. RAW264.7 macrophages were treated with different concentrations of TP(0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, and 200 μg/mL) and then stimulated by LPS. Another blank control group was set up. The expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with the nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-κB) signaling pathway was investigated before and after TP treatment. Pretreatment of RAW264.7 cells with TP decreased the expression of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-6(IL-6) and interleukin 1 beta(IL-1β) pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, TP inhibited the phosphorylation of p65 and IκB by blocking the phosphorylation and the degradation of NF-κB inhibitor protein. In conclusion, TP exerts anti-inflammatory effects by regulating the release of inflammatory mediators via the NF-κB signaling pathway.

Key words: Tea polyphenol, Inflammatory response, RAW264.7, Nuclear factor-kappa B pathway