Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 905-911.doi: 10.1007/s40242-018-8094-1

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Rapid Determination of Tetrodotoxin in Human Plasma by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

CHEN Weizhu1,2,3, ZHANG Yiping1,2,3, SUN Jipeng1,2,3, XIE Quanling1,2,3, HONG Zhuan1,2,3, YI Ruizao1,2,3   

  1. 1. Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China;
    2. Engineering Research Center of Marine Biological Resource Comprehensive Utilization, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China;
    3. Fujian Collaborative Innovation Center for Exploitation and Utilization of Marine Biological Resources, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China
  • Received:2018-03-21 Online:2018-12-01 Published:2018-08-23
  • Contact: YI Ruizao
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFF0201104), the Construction of Public Service Platform for Research and Test of Marine Pilot Technology of China(No.Bhsfs009) and the Project of Xiamen Southern Oceanographic Center, China(No.16PFW008SF15).

Abstract: A sensitive analytical method was developed to determine tetrodotoxin(TTX) in human plasma samples using protein precipitation, followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography(UPLC) analysis coupled with tandem mass spectrometry(MS/MS) using 11-deoxytetrodotoxin(11-deoxyTTX) as an internal standard. The plasma samples were prepared using protein precipitation prior to being analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS to identify TTX over a zwitterionic-hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography column. The retention time values of TTX and 11-deoxyTTX were 4.12 and 3.67 min, respectively. TTX and 11-deoxyTTX were monitored and quantitated on the basis of their ion transitions for their respective precursor ions to their product ions(i.e., m/z 320.0→162.1 for TTX and m/z 304.0→176.0 for 11-deoxyTTX) in the multiple reaction-monitoring mode. The lower limit of quantification of this method was determined to be 0.0199 ng/mL. This method showed good linearity for plasma samples that contained TTX concentrations in the range of 0.0199-1.99 ng/mL. The specificity, precision, accuracy, matrix effect, and stability characteristics of this method were also examined. The intra-assay precision and accuracy ranged from 1.89% to 6.00% and from 92.21% to 100.00%, whereas the inter-assay precision and accuracy ranged from 0.64% to 7.75% and from 99.38% to 101.26%, respectively. This new method therefore represents a rapid, accurate, reliable, and highly sensitive method for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of a trace amount of TTX in human plasma samples.

Key words: Tetrodotoxin(TTX), 11-DeoxyTTX, Ultra performance liquid chromatography(UPLC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry(MS/MS), Plasma, Protein precipitation