Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 451-454.doi: 10.1007/s40242-016-5425-y

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A Series of Pure Orange-yellow Iridium Complexes with Low Efficiency Roll-off: a Computational Study

SONG Mingxing1, HUANG Jian1, BAI Fuquan3, WANG Chunxu1, LIU Hongbo1, WANG Jin1, LI Dongfei2, QIN Zhengkun1   

  1. 1. College of Information Technology;
    2. College of Physics, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, P. R. China;
    3. Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, P. R. China
  • Received:2015-11-04 Revised:2016-01-22 Online:2016-06-01 Published:2016-03-11
  • Contact: LI Dongfei, QIN Zhengkun;
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation for Creative Research Group, China(No.21003057), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2013M541286) and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Jilin Province, China(Nos. 20101512, 20110320, 201201078, 20140520109JH and 20150414003GH).


The electronic structures and spectroscopic properties of heteroleptic cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes were investigated. The geometries, electronic structures, and the lowest-lying excited states of (DBQ)2Ir(acac) and (MDQ)2Ir(acac) were investigated via density functional theory-based approaches. A series of designed models of (DBQ)2Ir(dpis), (DBQ)2Ir(tpip), (MDQ)2Ir(dpis) and (MDQ)2Ir(tpip) was also calculated for comparison. The structures in the ground and excited states were optimized via B3LYP method. The lowest absorptions and emissions spectra were evaluated via TD-B3LYP and TD-PBE1PBE methods. The computational results reveal that the emission peaks of the designed complexes are at around 585-640 nm, which belong to the orange-yellow wavelength. The frontier molecular orbital properties indicate that the Ir(III) complexes have low efficiency roll-off.

Key words: Organic light-emitting diode(OLED), Ir(III) complex, Time-dependent density functional theory(TD-DFT), Excited state, Efficiency roll-off