Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 682-685.doi: 10.1007/s40242-013-3030-x

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Flavonoids from Litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Seeds and Their Inhibitory Activities on α-Glucosidase

REN Shen1,2, XU Duo-duo1, GAO Yang1, MA Yu-ting1, GAO Qi-pin1   

  1. 1. Research and Development Center, Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changchun130117, P. R. China;
    2. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun130118, P. R. China
  • Received:2013-01-17 Revised:2013-03-06 Online:2013-08-01 Published:2013-07-15
  • Contact: GAO Qi-pin
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30873370) and the Doctor Fund of Jilin Agricultural University of China(No.201210).


With the bioactivity-guided method, a new flavanone glycoside, together with nine known flavonoids were isolated from 50% aqueous ethanol of litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn.) seeds. The chemical structure of the new compound was elucidated via 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) techniques and mass spectrometry to be (2S)-pinocembrin-7-O-(6"-O-α-L-arabinosyl-β-D-glucopyranoside)(1), and the nine known compounds were determined to be quercetin(2), phlorhizin(3), pinocembrin-7-O-glucoside(4), kaempferol-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(5), onychin(6), nairutin(7), narcissin(8), pinocembrin-7-O-[(6"-O-β-D-glucopyranoside)-β-D-glucopyranoside](9) and pinocembrin-7-O-[(2",6"-di-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside](10). Some of the isolated flavonoids were tested for their inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase. And compounds 2 and 3 showed stronger inhibitory activity than positive control.

Key words: Litchi chinensis Sonn. seed, Flavanoid, Inhibitory activity, α-Glucosidase